The Game Crafter
The game crafter is a web-to-print publishing company, wherein they are able to put into life your game idea. They produce board games, card games, and also other game assets such as gift certificates, tokens, tarots and oracles, etc. It’s pretty interesting since this is the first time that I was able to encounter a game publishing company. Now let’s talk about their quality, there are horrible experiences stating about the “poor cut job” “squared off corners instead of rounded corners”. However, as I've seen the company’s responses, it seems like these customers weren't able to follow the directions for putting the design. So it’s important to go over the instructions first so that we can avoid these issues.
For printing the designs to their products, they stick with digital printing so it’s also important to be informed that the design quality might actually differ. Knowing that this company is able to put into life your game idea, they let you customize the pieces that you would need for your game. You can include all the necessary components and customize it according to your idea. Additionally, if you need boxes or packaging for your game, they also offer it. You might also wonder how you’re able to sell your game, well, if you don’t have a store yet, you can make use of their shop, and publish your game there.
Now, let’s move on to the most important part, pricing. Their pricing is highly dependent on game components that you’ll include, so if your game is complex and many components are needed, expect it to be much more pricier. However, if your game is simple with only limited components, you can expect it to be affordable. Luckily, they have a “Build a Quote” which you can include the accessories of the game, and they’ll give you an estimate on how much it’ll cost. On the reviews, there weren't many reviews but they’re able to get 3.0. To wrap up, I would say that they are worth trying especially if you’re in the game industry.
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To what platforms do they connect to
Where do they ship from